With our daily programmed maintenance in painting, we have a team of skilled painters to fulfil your painting and decoration needs either weekly, bi-annually or on a requirement basis. The team of painters will immediately support your company, allowing your company to face minimal production disruptions and in a safe and tidy manner.
If a building’s paint begins to fade, or when a building is in poor condition and requires renovation, the initial investment of a painting and renovation project will leave a major hole in the property maintenance budget of your company. Our programmed painting services enable our customers to retain their property to long-term and of high standards. With our tailored plan, we will conduct a full painting and repair project to restore your property to an outstanding condition; and through our contract painting plan, we will split the money of this work over five to ten years.
The programmed maintenance services in Sydney are versatile and customised to suit the needs of the organisation. We may provide a full system of interior and exterior painting and adornment, only exterior regions or any other defined regions.
The benefits of our Contract for Programmed Painting
We create a work schedule at the beginning of the year to maintain the negotiated existing building areas that will need painting and repair during the contract. Each year, we return to assess the property at agreed intervals and accomplish any work necessary to keep the property within our contract requirements. At the final three years of the contract, we will execute the full work schedule as each year, from the painting to repair as decided upon. We have completed successfully painting contracts both in working hours as well as during breaks. For all commercial property, we provide a broad array of services, including cleaning, basic painting and decoration, wallpapering and small maintenance to buildings.
Our highly trained and empowered staff has undertaken projects all across Sydney. We are adaptable in our method and are flexible to work beyond hours to meet site-specific requirements.
Sydney Commercial painting Programmed Maintenance Services includes, but not limited to the followings;
Sydney Commercial Painting's employees and sub-contractors follow strict safety standards in accordance with our Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Procedures. All our employees are site safety induced and have induction cards and experience for all the tasks we undertake.
Please Contact Us if you'd like to request additional information, clarification, or and for an estimate Click Here regarding this service or any other services Sydney Commercial Painting offers.